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Many extra features of the To Do List Manager


"Many extra features" To Do List Manager
Because a lot of powerful features two is to make the list administrator. This integration with Web browsers for each category of items and multiple levels of recurring items to support more than one list. See below for details.
Not because of what the two:
there are a large number of To Do list managers. Two features stand out from the front here because there are to do. For multiple listings

It's tab-delimited text files to make lists because of the two stores. This makes easy because of support for the two multiple lists. In fact, two reasons for this previously opened and switch between them makes it all the files, remember, and different for each different file selection and ranking will remember back in the field. In addition to the list of currently open in an external file containing the data that can add items.
Easy navigation
easily by using a list and Previous Next function through direct and two from the list view you can navigate any and all records that accesses a specific search string that contains the items to find.
Recurring DOS
Sometimes to do something only once is not enough. Plans to celebrate the Anniversary of his brother a birthday gift, or purchase such as this. Because of two recurring To Do items, with lots of flexibility in terms of frequency timing allows. Once an item is completed, it also applies to the next occurrence of the closing element (new one) will be created automatically, this program or re-"recurrence" by pressing the button to use existing products.
Descriptive Multiple Fields
Only one area often to describe each item that provides products, To Do list. We do not think an area is sufficient. Therefore, it will provide a brief description of an item in the Title field allows. But also provides many items that you want to enter more detailed Description field provides the line. And also the result of an item in the field for the document provides a result. Now you can download free 2.21 two reasons.

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